The Great RAM Search!
Class of 1984
- We FOUND them! - - - - -  - Help! They are MISSING!
25th Year Reunion

Greetings fellow Rams. This page is hosted by Mike Giese. If you don't remember me please don't feel bad. I am really old now and find that I need no other excuse for not remembering people than my age. Of course my memory was always pretty bad but I love being able to blame it on my age.

I moved away from Panama City for about 12 years shortly after graduating. Like many that leave the area I swore never to return! You know what they say though, "Never say Never." My wife and I moved back in '98 and have been here ever since. My wife is Kristina Lopez and she graduated in '89 from Marion.

Our 25 Year Reunion! Wow, it is really hard to believe.

Kelley Wilson has put up a members only page on the web.

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(313 Total Names)
120         193
Page Last Updated

This is the first reunion year that finds such a large number of us on the internet. This is a very valuable resource and I feel we should be able to contact at least 80% of the Class of '84 listed from the yearbook and other sources. You will find the names and yearbook photos of our classmates on the pages to follow. To give us a visual reference we have a smiley face next to the names of the people for which we already have contact information. A sad looking face for the ones who are still missing.

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